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Admissions Process

LGA Application Process

The priority window for the 24-25 school year has officially closed. Any applications received will be placed on the waiting list. When space becomes available for the grade level applied to, the LGA Enrollment Team will contact the family to offer the enrollment opportunity. Thank you for your interest in our school!


The 25-26 priority application window was open October 1, 2024 until December 31, 2024. For incoming 6th grade students, acceptance letters will be mailed in February 2025. For 7th -12th grade students, families will be notified in March of their acceptance status. Please contact the front office at 916-567-5560 for all application questions.

LGA Admissions Process

LGA uses an open enrollment admission policy for all students and does not discriminate on the basis of residency, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, national origin, ethnic and/or racial background, or achievement level. LGA does not charge tuition and is non-sectarian in its programs, admissions, and policies. Continued enrollment is dependent upon progress toward graduation and making satisfactory academic progress. If the number of pupils who wish to attend LGA exceeds the school’s capacity, attendance, except for existing pupils, shall be determined by a public random drawing in accordance with California Education Code section 47605(d)(2).

Admissions Preference

Preference may be given in the following order:

  1. Pupils currently attending the Charter School;
  2. District pupils residing within the attendance area of the Charter School, as defined by the District;
  3. Siblings of pupils currently attending the Charter School;
  4. District pupils who meet the federal school guidelines for economic support known as Title One or Free or Reduced Lunch subsidy; and
  5. All other pupils residing within the District.

Click here for the 2025-2026 Admissions Application