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Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)

California is launching the most drastic change to school funding in 40 years, using a new formula designed to give districts more local control over spending and to push districts to better prepare students for college and careers. This new funding model is called the Local Control Funding Formula (or LCFF). This change is being touted as one of the most significant California education reforms of this generation. LCFF requires all districts and independent charter schools to focus on eight (8) identified areas for state priority and to look at success through a different lens. In each of the 8 state priority areas, districts and independent charter schools will need to analyze data and take actions to support the success of different ethnic/racial sub-groups as well as English Learners, students with disabilities and socio-economically disadvantaged students. In preparation for this coming change, LGA has been engaging stakeholders through various avenues this school year and will continue to do so in coming weeks. LGA’s vision is to provide every student with a safe environment in order to receive a rigorous education, preparing them for college and career while learning respect and responsibility. This vision is in strong alignment with the new LCFF priorities.

Local Control Accountability Program (LCAP)

Districts and Charter Schools Must Set Annual LCAP Goals in Eight Specified Areas. Each LCAP must include a school district’s annual LCAP goals in eight areas.  These eight areas of specified state priorities are intended to encompass the key ingredients of high–quality educational programs (see figure below).  In the case of LGA, the plan must include both school-wide goals and goals for each numerically significant student subgroup in the school.  To be numerically significant, we must have at least 30 students in a subgroup, with the exception of foster youth, for which we must have at least 15 students.  In addition to specified state priorities, our LCAP can include annual goals in self–selected areas of local priority.